After its successful UA Berlin series, the Zafraan Ensemble has come up with a new, exciting series. Come by on December 1st, 2022 at 8 p.m. at the ACUD Club, Veteranstr. 21, 10119 Berlin - this time with special guests Deep Strings!
A special guest and his inspiring genre are invited to celebrate the personal encounter and direct exchange with the Zafraan Ensemble and the audience. A LOG BOOK developed by François Sarhan is used to come together and reflect on the current times before cheerfully exploring new repertoire.
Special guests of the evening are:
Deep Strings (Anne-Christin Schwarz, cello and vocals and
Stephan Braun, cello and loops)
Toru Takemitsu: Harp Trio, 1992
Henri Dutilleux: 1st verse on the nom de Sacher, 1976
Ernst Reijseger: “Strabismo di venere” arr. Stephan Braun for 3 cellos
François Sarhan: Logbook
Anton Webern: String trio op.20, 1st movement , 1927
November Rain In August, arr. Stephan
Isobel (Björk), arr. Stephan Braun
Don’t get lost, arr. Stephan Braun
Funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe, the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and Neustart Kultur.