After its successful UA Berlin series, the Zafraan Ensemble has come up with a new, exciting series. On June 3rd, 2022 at 8:00 p.m. in the ACUD CLUB, Veteranstr. 21, 10119 Berlin.
Each special guest and their inspiring genre are invited to celebrate the personal encounter and direct exchange with the Zafraan Ensemble and the audience. A LOG BOOK developed by François Sarhan initially serves as a way to get together and reflect on the current times, before new repertoire is explored.
Special Guest: Kalle Kalima – electric guitar and composer from Finland
Kalle Kalima (*1973) – ADAC
Kalle Kalima – Queen of hearts
Kalle Kalima – Xenyx
Kalle Kalima – FU2 PTN
Sven-Ingo Koch (*1974) – 3 pieces from “Radio Play Fragments” for drums and electric guitar
From the radio play music for Gold.Revue by Jan Wagner
Francois Sarhan – Logbook
Ioannis Xenakis (1922-2001) – Mikka
Halim El-Dabh (1921-2017) – Sonic No. 7 and No. 10 for percussion solo
Kalle Kalima, guitar
Francois Sarhan, voice, electronics
Zafraan Ensemble:
Clemens Hund-Goeschel – piano
Emmanuelle Bernard, viola – violin
Daniel Eichholz – percussion
Liam Mallet – flute